Top 5 Qualities to Look for in a Wedding Planner

The thought of sharing your special day with your nearest and dearest and exchanging vows with your true love is something special. However, turning your dreams for the day into reality can be quite overwhelming given the list of tasks to tend to.

From finding the perfect wedding venue and finalizing your guest list to choosing your wedding attire from this site and organizing your table plan, the list of items can seem endless with each one requiring attention to detail and careful planning. Managing each of these elements can feel like a full-time job especially when you have a limited amount of time to dedicate to it.

Enlisting the services of a wedding planner can be the perfect solution to relieve you of much of the stress of planning your wedding solo. An experienced professional can help you with all aspects of your wedding, ensuring everything goes smoothly on the day.  To help you pick the perfect partner to assist you, we will outline some of the top qualities to look out for in a wedding planner.

1. Organized and Attentive


This is certainly one of the most important traits to keep in mind when choosing your wedding planner. Planning such a grand-scale event involves many moving parts, and requires excellent organization and time-management skills.

A good wedding planner will be well-versed in sourcing and dealing with vendors and suppliers, helping you to negotiate contracts and check the fine print before signing any paperwork. An organized professional will also have great attention to detail, and will be able to spot any points that could work against you, such as disclaimers or hidden charges.

Their organization and meticulous planning can also ensure other matters are taken care of such as seating plans and the correct spelling of your guests’ names. They will be able to schedule important timelines such as sending out invitations and keeping a track of all RSVPs, as well as being on hand during your big day to make sure everything is going according to plan.

2. Business Skills


A good wedding planner will have good business skills and will be able to help you and your partner to create a budget, thereby keeping your finances in line.

Weddings are expensive affairs, and the costs can easily get out of hand if you are not keeping track of your expenses. Most wedding planners can help couples stay within their budget and avoid over-spending by knowing which areas require the most money, and where you can afford to spend less.

Their network of contacts in the wedding industry can also help you to allocate your funds efficiently. From cake-makers to caterers, florists to photographers, a good wedding planner will have built up their reputation and working relationships with such parties over the years. This will allow you to rely on their recommendations, saving you the time and effort in finding vendors yourself.

It can also save you money in the long run as many wedding planners can negotiate with vendors on your behalf to strike a favorable deal or offer you the advantage of discounted rates due to the ongoing business they bring to certain reputable and reliable vendors. This will allow you to get the most value for your money, thereby maximizing your wedding budget.

3. Creativity


Perhaps you have dreamt of your wedding day for years and have a theme in mind. In this case, a wedding planner can help you achieve your vision and turn your dream into a reality. By advising you on the various design elements such as lighting,  color palettes, floor plans and décor, you can work together to create an overall impression that delivers on your dream.

If you have very little idea what kind of wedding you would like or have only a few preferences, this is where a good wedding planner comes into their own. Part of their job is to be creative and inspire you with ideas and options for your big day. They may introduce you to various wedding themes and concepts they have successfully brought to life from their portfolio of satisfied clients or show you mood boards, magazines and photography to help you gain inspiration. From statement centerpieces to lavish lighting, a wedding planner can help you curate the perfect scene for your ceremony or reception.

Another area in which creative input is required is the blending of two cultures. If you and your partner come from different backgrounds it can be a challenge to know how to incorporate your various customs and rituals in a way that honors both of your beliefs. A seasoned wedding planner will have worked with many different couples from various backgrounds, and will be able to guide you both on how to integrate your traditions in a tasteful way.

4. Communication


Communication is also key when it comes to your relationship with your wedding planner. Working alongside someone who has clear and friendly written and oral communication skills will make the process that much easier and enjoyable.

Many of the tasks your wedding planner will undertake will require them to communicate well with others. They may have to negotiate contracts, deal effectively with delays, and coordinate logistics such as seating plans and décor with other parties. Being able to convey your wishes and vision for your day to suppliers and vendors is a big part of your wedding planner’s job, and involves getting your message across clearly and professionally.

5. Problem-Solving


A good wedding planner will be a great problem solver and have the ability to think on their feet. Whether it’s helping you iron out any family disputes which may arise, managing your guest list, or dealing with late suppliers, they will have experience in dealing with most issues that can crop up during the planning process or on the day itself.

As this article outlines, a good wedding planner comes with an invaluable skill set that can help you plan your big day. By keeping the qualities mentioned above in mind during your selection process you are sure to find the perfect partner to work with.