How to Find Affordable Engagement Rings – Review

Finding someone with whom you want to spend the rest of your life is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. That’s one time you thank the almighty, your fate, for helping you meet such a lovely person. And when that moment arrives, you want to treasure them with all you have. And as the saying goes by, diamonds are a woman’s best friend. Diamonds also happen to be a man’s best friend. All you need to do is find the best one and hold on to him forever.

Diamonds aren’t just emotions but also investments. You might wonder why I’d consider my engagement ring an investment, and you need to look at it as one because you’ll be investing your life with someone, and that person deserves to wear a natural diamond.

But talking about engagement rings, finding one is a tricky thing to do. With so many factors involved, such as shape, price, fit, and whatnot, how exactly does one find the perfect engagement ring? Well, you can either do all the hard work and take the burden or  to add the details and relax visit

Find a Diamond


As soon as you enter the home page, You’ll come across a section called to find a diamond, which is also what you are trying to do, so hit the button without delay.

As you do this, you’ll be taken through a quiz about the type of diamond you’re looking for in terms of occurrence, shape, price, size, carat, and quality. It helps them assess your preferences and thus take you to the required diamond.

Set the right filters


Now you will be taken through a page where you’ll come across various filters you can set. Not only this, they have over ten shapes to choose from. The best part is, if you’re unsure about how a particular shape appears on one’s hand, they have a feature that shows it to you. This makes it easier for you to choose the shape.

You can also select the right carat of diamond for your hand. You can even scan your hand to see you the particular ring looks on your hand and then decide whether to go for it.

How good a diamond looks is also somewhat dependent on the number of cuts a diamond has. You can also set filters for the same and find one that suits you. In case you’re someone who likes colors on your diamond, they have a filter for that as well. If you don’t understand the color of the diamond, it is okay, unless it is something completely contrasting; most diamonds look similar to the naked eye.

Fluorescence is something you’d want to look at since the glow in a diamond depends significantly on the type of fluorescent used. Sometimes, yellow diamonds with high fluorescence look whiter; hence, the higher the fluorescence, the better the diamond.

Clarity is another filter to keep in check. The better the quality, the higher the clarity. A less clear diamond will have inclusions and will obviously not reflect as much. However, these inclusions aren’t visible to the naked eye of the commoner, and it takes an expert to look at them to understand the clarity. The suggestion, however, is that you’re going to treasure this for a lifetime; choose one that stays pretty for a lifetime.

Budget is the most significant factor, hence a filter you can’t ignore. Most of the time, it is a deciding factor for which diamond to choose. If you’re confused about whether you’re paying too much or too little for it, you can also see the state’s distribution of budgets on their site to understand the pattern. Once you’ve put in your budget, you can start cutting out on factors you think aren’t very important in case the diamond isn’t in your budget.

Understand the Credibility


One of the essential things to understand here is that if you want to go for a particular diamond, check its credibility. Most diamonds come with certifications from labs regarding their authenticity, and always check that the diamond of your choice has one.

Compare and Make Payment

Compare the prices of the same diamond with the same filters on a different site to be assured of the pricing. You’ll most often be astonished to find a two hundred to three hundred dollar price difference. That’s the saving you’ll make on the purchase of a diamond ring from certain websites. Since these sites use information from different retailers, you’ll always find the best deal.

No one wants to use a website that takes you back to the same page again and again or doesn’t understand your requirements even after multiple attempts.
There are sites where you can also cut down on the size or clarity of most diamonds. Also, these diamonds come with certifications so that you can trust their authenticity. But remember, mostly they will only be able to help you with diamonds and not other stones like sapphire or ruby.

If you’re looking for wedding rings, we suggest you and your partner look for rings for each other together. So you can plan your honeymoon with the savings you make on the ring.